Sunday, January 22, 2012

My favorite space ships(scifi and real) by Justin Gray (staff writer at the nerdy times

I thought i would delve into a special area of my expertise, analyzing aesthetic features of space craft real and fake.
Id like to start with Joss Whedon's Firefly from the movie "Serenity" and the TV show "Firefly". To get right to it, the Firefly craft looks like it was built with junk laying around the local space port, when in fact the Firefly class star ship is a slow moving transport ship that was never meant for inter galactic smuggling or escaping from the Alliance warships. I have a lot of respect for a craft that is made from junk and no credits at all. The "Firefly class star-ship is also capable of full atmo breaching in any atmospheric conditions, ie methane storms to class 5 hurricanes, only by them modifications done to it post Alliance conflict.
Second: Earths Nasa space craft: the now {unfortunately} grounded Space Shuttle series. Earths NASA agency stated building the Space shuttle series in 1968 but was never actually launched until April 1981. This craft is unique among NASA's craft as it was intended as a re-usable launch vehicle and set a world precedence that has never been met until recently by "Scaled composites" "Spaceship one" as an orbital launch platform. Sadly a series of accidents has permanently ground NASA's shuttle program and is now decades retarded by using rockets to get gear into space. A SAD STATE OF AFFAIRS.
Third: Starship Enterprise NC-1701-d. This ship is just plain baddass. Warp 9+ (1000X speed of light), matter beaming technology, antimatter drive systems and the most distinct feature of most galaxy class starships: saucer separation with battle command center. A feature most handy in extreme cases. What kid growing up in the 80's didnt love this ship? I for one have a large poster in my office of the NC-1701-D.
Scaled Composites "Spaceship one" accompanied by the "White Knight" this was the first privatly funded orbital space program headed up by the one and only Burt Rutan funded by Steve Fossett (RIP) and Sir Richard Branson of Virgin Galactic. Since its first flight May 20th 2003 Virgin Galactic has now booked flights from the very first space port in New Mexico. A very proud moment for the human race.

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